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Step 2. Local Search for Real Estate Agents

mmtmediafl // March 9 , 2022

9 Article Series on the 9 Online Presence Elements for Real Estate Agents | 2 of 9

Local Search and Google Maps for Realtors

Learn More About "Local Search"

Local Search for Real Estate Agents

This is Step 2 in our Modular Marketing System for Realtors.

Even though I believe that Google Business Profiles are the MOST Important element of Local Search for Real Estate Agents, Local Search does not stop there. Read On and Learn EVERYTHING that the Non-Techie Real Estate Agent will ever need to know.

If you want to build your Google Ranking, then this article is for you!

Let's jump into Local Search for Real Estate Agents

REMINDER: I wrote this article as if I would be creating an Online Course on the Topic. So it should read easy and be a valuable resource for your Real Estate business. I am also including a downloadable PDF at the end of the article. Enjoy and Grow your Rank in your chosen Farm Area.

This article is designed to teach real estate agents more about Local Search and cover some of the less TECHNICAL Aspects of Local Search that most Realtors might consider tackling. Some of this is NOT for everyone. As it might in fact be the most complex, techie aspect of online marketing. Make your own decisions on how you want to approach the optimizing your online presence for Local Search.

But DO NOT ignore Step 2. Do so at your own Local Impact Peril. Not getting found in Google Search for your Primary Farm Area can ultimately cost you hundreds of thousands of Gross Commission Dollars over the course of your career.

Google Ranking and Local Search for Real Estate Agents are tied hand in hand. Start Local or NEAR ME and then expand your Search Circle once you begin to gain traction in Local Search. This is just a primer, but should give you a nice head start over your competitors.

Read On...

Article Objectives:
  • Understand the importance of a Local Search for real estate agents

  • Help you Grow your "GOOGLE RANKING"

  • More on Google Business Profile Optimization (Always)

  • Encouraging Online Reviews on Multiple Platforms

  • Participate in Local Events (Online and On-the-Ground)

  • Use Social Media To Promote Local Content

  • Much More

Local Search Google Near Me

Local Search can be a powerful tool for Realtors looking to connect with potential clients in their area.


Here are some tips for using local search effectively:

  1. Optimize Your Website For Local Search: Make sure your website is optimized for local search by including your business name, address, and phone number on your website. Use local keywords on your website, such as the names of neighborhoods or landmarks in your area.
  2. Claim your Google My Business listing: Claiming your Google My Business listing is essential for local search optimization. Make sure your listing is complete and up-to-date with accurate contact information, photos, and business hours.
  3. Encourage Online Reviews: Positive online reviews from satisfied clients can help improve your visibility in local search results. Encourage your clients to leave reviews on your Google My Business listing, Yelp, or other relevant review sites.
  4. Participate In Local Events: Participating in local events such as charity fundraisers, community fairs, and open houses can help you connect with potential clients in your area.
  5. Use Social Media To Promote Local Content: Share local news, events, and other relevant content on your social media channels. This can help improve your visibility in local search results and position you as an expert in your area. We will dig into this Step (Step 6) later in the Article Series.
  6. Build Relationships With Other Local Businesses: Building relationships with other local businesses can help you tap into their networks and reach potential clients. Consider partnering with other businesses on joint marketing initiatives or hosting events together.

By using these strategies, real estate agents can leverage local search to connect with potential clients in their area and build their business.

Local Search for Real Estate Agents to Grow Your Google Ranking

Key Elements that Influence Local Search for Agents:

For those Non-Techies, let me give you a little more high-level insight before we get into the nuts and bolts (aka weeds).


Local search refers to the process of optimizing a website to appear in search engine results when a user searches for a particular product, service or business within a specific geographic location. Local Search for Real Estate Agents is a key element of creating and optimizing your Online Presence.

  • Some of the Information may seem redundant, but my goal is for each POINT and CONCEPT to be Self-Contained. And remember: “Repetition is the Mother of Skill”.

The following are key elements that can influence local search for your website ranking:

  1. Google My Business Listing: This is a free business listing that allows you toer provide important information about your business such as name, address, phone number, hours of operation, and more. Claiming and optimizing your Google My Business listing can help improve your local search ranking.
  2. Website Optimization: This includes optimizing your website's meta tags, content, and structure with local keywords and phrases to improve visibility in local search results. Use city and neighborhood names, zip codes, and local landmarks in your website content to help search engines understand the geographic location of your business.
  3. NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) Consistency: Ensure that your business name, address, and phone number are consistent across all online platforms, including your website, Google My Business, social media, and local directories. Inconsistent information can confuse search engines and negatively affect your local search ranking.
  4. Online Reviews: Online reviews and ratings from customers can impact your local search ranking. Encourage customers to leave reviews on your Google My Business listing or other review sites such as Yelp. Responding to reviews, both positive and negative, also demonstrates your commitment to customer service and can positively impact your local search ranking.
  5. Citations: Citations are mentions of your business name, address, and phone number on other websites, directories, and social media platforms. Having accurate and consistent citations can improve your local search ranking.
  6. Backlinks: Backlinks are links from other websites to your website. Having high-quality backlinks from local websites, blogs, and directories can improve your local search ranking.

By focusing on these key elements, you can improve your google ranking and drive more traffic to your website from users searching for products, services or businesses in your geographic location.

Let’s DIG IN a bit Deeper on 2 through 6.

Step 2. Local Search for Real Estate Agents

Build your Google Ranking

Why Local Search for Real Estate Agents is So Important...

Website Optimization:

Top 5 Most Impactful Methods of Website Optimization:

Website optimization is the process of improving a website's performance, user experience, and search engine visibility. Here are the top 5 most impactful methods of website optimization:

  1. Content Optimization: Content is a critical element of website optimization. Optimizing website content with relevant keywords and phrases can help search engines understand the content and rank the website higher in search results. Additionally, high-quality, engaging, and informative content can improve user engagement, increase dwell time, and reduce bounce rates.
  2. Website Speed Optimization: Website speed optimization is essential for improving user experience and search engine rankings. Websites with faster load times typically rank higher in search engine results and have lower bounce rates. Optimizing images, reducing server response time, and minimizing code can significantly improve website speed.
  3. Mobile Optimization: As more users browse the web on mobile devices, it's essential to ensure that your website is optimized for mobile devices. A mobile-optimized website will provide users with a seamless browsing experience on any device. Google also prioritizes mobile-optimized websites in search results.
  4. On-Page Optimization: On-page optimization includes optimizing meta tags, header tags, images, and internal links. By including relevant keywords and phrases in these elements, you can improve search engine rankings and provide users with a better experience.
  5. Technical Optimization: Technical optimization involves optimizing the technical aspects of a website, such as SSL certificates, site structure, and XML sitemap. Optimizing these technical elements can improve website security, increase crawlability, and improve search engine visibility.

By implementing these website optimization methods, you can improve your website's performance, user experience, and search engine rankings. This, in turn, can increase website traffic, engagement, and conversions.

 Working on your Local Search for Real Estate Agents can seem difficult. This article can make it much easier to start and get to the finish line!

Other Technical Elements to be aware of and learn more about:

Google Core Web Vitals:

Google Core Web Vitals

What is Google's Core Web Vitals?

Google's Core Web Vitals are a set of metrics that measure website user experience based on page loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability. These metrics are used to assess the quality of the user experience and to determine whether a website provides a fast, responsive, and engaging experience for users.

The Three Core Web Vitals Are:

  1. Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): This metric measures loading speed by tracking how quickly the largest content element on a web page loads. The ideal LCP score is under 2.5 seconds.
  2. First Input Delay (FID): This metric measures interactivity by tracking how long it takes for a web page to respond to user input. The ideal FID score is under 100 milliseconds.
  3. Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): This metric measures visual stability by tracking the amount of unexpected layout shifts that occur on a web page. The ideal CLS score is under 0.1.

Google uses these metrics to help website owners and developers improve website performance and user experience. Websites that score well on the Core Web Vitals are more likely to rank higher in search engine results, providing a better experience for users and driving more traffic to the website.

Website owners and developers can use Google's PageSpeed Insights tool to test their website's Core Web Vitals scores and identify areas for improvement. By optimizing website loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability, website owners can improve the user experience and drive more traffic to their website.

Some of the Tools you can use for Website Optimization: (Just scratching the surface)

  1. Google Analytics: Google Analytics is a free tool that allows website owners to track website traffic, user behavior, and conversions. It provides valuable insights into how users interact with a website, which can help identify areas for improvement and optimization.
  2. Google Search Console: Google Search Console is a free tool that provides website owners with important information about their website's search performance. It allows website owners to track search engine rankings, monitor website traffic, and identify any technical issues that may be affecting website performance.
  3. PageSpeed Insights: PageSpeed Insights is a free tool provided by Google that analyzes website performance and provides suggestions for optimization. It measures website loading speed and identifies issues that may be slowing down the website.
  4. GTmetrix: GTmetrix is a website optimization tool that provides detailed insights into website performance, including page speed, page size, and request count. It also provides suggestions for optimization and allows website owners to monitor website performance over time.
  5. SEMrush: SEMrush is a comprehensive digital marketing tool that provides website owners with insights into website performance, including search engine rankings, backlinks, and keyword rankings. It also provides suggestions for optimization and allows website owners to monitor website performance over time.
  6. Yoast / Yoast Premium +: WordPress Plugins. For those that have a WordPress or WordPress Based Platform for their Website, Yoast is a Plugin that ranks high on the list. Yoast is a popular WordPress plugin that provides a range of SEO features to help website owners optimize their content for search engines. Here are some of the key features of the Yoast WordPress plugin:
Yoast WordPress Plugin SEO for Everyone

More About Yoast:

I touch on Yoast because it is used in our AgentFire Websites.

  • SEO Analysis: The plugin provides real-time content analysis and optimization suggestions as you write your content. It checks your content for readability, keyword usage, and other SEO factors and provides suggestions for improvement.
  • XML Sitemap: Yoast automatically generates XML sitemaps that help search engines understand the structure of your website and crawl your content more effectively.
  • Meta Titles and Descriptions: Yoast allows you to easily customize meta titles and descriptions for your pages and posts, which can help improve click-through rates in search engine results.
  • Social Media Integration: The plugin allows you to optimize your content for social media sharing by setting custom titles, descriptions, and images for each social media platform.
  • Internal Linking Suggestions: Yoast provides internal linking suggestions to help you link to related content within your website and improve website navigation.
  • Redirect Manager: The plugin includes a redirect manager that allows you to easily redirect URLs to prevent broken links and improve user experience.

Overall, the Yoast WordPress plugin provides a range of SEO features that can help website owners optimize their content and improve search engine visibility. It's a user-friendly tool that can benefit both beginners and experienced website owners who are looking to improve their website's SEO performance.

Using these tools, website owners can identify areas for optimization, monitor website performance, and improve the user experience, ultimately driving more traffic and conversions to their website.

This one step in our 9 Step Program (10 Step if you INCLUDE FlexTime Support) is by no means comprehensive. It is important to understand that an entire industry and very capable, skilled individuals make up the SEO / Search Engine Optimization Industry. Ultimately, SEO is the most expensive aspect of Online Marketing. But this does not mean that you cannot “SKILL UP” and make a BIG Impact in the LOCAL SEARCH space that you focus on as a Real Estate Agent.

Remember, It ALL Starts with ONE “Farm Area” Neighborhood!

Farm Area Flywheel Landing Pages
Become the LOCAL AUTHORITY in your Focus Area!
I Hope the Blog Post:  Local Search for Real Estate Agents has helped you learn more about Google Ranking, Google Near Me Search, Google Maps and More!

  • This Article is the Equivalent of an Online Course Duration: 4-6 hours
  • Want an Assessment and Certification?
  • Let me know and I can ADD this to my “Local Genius” Training for Real Estate Agents.

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Or Visit My Website @ https://DavidJamison

Local Search for Real Estate Agents

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About the Author mmtmediafl

MMTMediaFL is David Jamison | Owner & Founder since 2010 | Digital Marketing Consultant

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