The Story
Originally published by
(an MMT Media Florida Company)
So do you ever remember hearing a story, over and over? Maybe your Dad, Grandfather, Crazy Uncle... You know what I am talking about right?
So the whole "Google My Business" thing and small business and me talking to business owners and I hear this story over and over...
Like the ones my amazing father-in-law tells... 🙂
But the difference is the STORIES I hear from Local Business Owners are NOT True!
How do I know? Well I have done a GMB Audit Report for them and they are telling me they have done this and that and Company XYZ did this for them...
When in fact... their GMB Profile is pretty much bare bones, setup YES! Optimized... not even started!
So why the same story...
Business Owners are Busy!
Google My Business seems complicated... They have other stuff to do, like running their business!
Is their an Easy Solution for Small Businesses, for Local Businesses to get their GMB Profile Setup Right, Setup Fast and Optimized so they can OUT RANK their Competitors?
Fortunately.. The Answer is YES!
The Problem
Getting Your "Google My Business Profile" Setup and Optimized!
Guess What?
It is easier than you think... And if you are even thinking about spending 1 minute on Social Media before you FULLY optimized your GMB Profile...
Think Again! Please!
The Solution
So is there an easy solution?
What are your options?
1. Have a Local Marketing Company like ours DO THE DIRTY Work for you!
Interested? It is cheaper and faster than you might imagine
So is there an easy solution?
YES! Check out our Done For You Services...
Next Option:
2. Register for our FREE 2022 Training Course... ZERO Strings Attached
(Coming Soon)
Next Option:
3. Register for our FREE E-Book (Same Content as Course)
Again... ZERO Strings Attached
E-Book Download:
10+ Lessons (Steps) to getting a CLOSE to 100% Optimized "Google My Business" Profile
(From our sister company "GMBDudes"
Same great content as our Course...
- Easy Download (26 Page PDF)

Steps to Optimize your Google My Business Profile
Create your Google My Business Profile
Details in E-Book
Claim Your GMB Profile
Verify Your Google My Business Profile
Get the Rest of the steps in our FREE E-Book
Recommended Resources

How to Completely Optimize Your Google My Business Listing
Use this guide to make sure your Google My Business listing is correct, every part is optimized, and you're using all the newest GMB features.
by Sam Hollingsworth

How to Optimize Your Google My Business Listing
An important first step in any local SEO strategy is to claim and verify your local business’ Google My Business (GMB) listing. Getting on Google My Business can increase your chances of showing up in Google’s Local Pack, Local Finder, Google Maps, and organic rankings in general. Qualifying local businesses can claim this free listing on Google and include information about their company, like their address, phone number, business hours, and types of payments accepted.
Additionally, over the past several months, Google has added some great features to Google My Business that companies should take advantage of that enhances your Google My Business listing and helps to grab viewers’ attention — and can increase how you rank in local search results.
If you haven’t claimed and verified your Google My Business Listing yet, that’s the first step. To get started, visit
by Sherri Bonelli

How to Optimize Google My Business
Does your business appear in Google search results? Learning how to optimize Google My Business (GMB) is the first step to ensure your potential customers and business partners can find your company quickly and conveniently online.
Google My Business is a free tool that allows entrepreneurs to manage their digital presence without doing any extra work on their website. Google developed GMB to make it simpler for online users to get the information they need in a single search query.
Through Google My Business optimization, you can display and update your company details with ease, including your location, phone number, website link and promotional assets. More importantly, you can ensure the accuracy of your business data and keep a consistent brand image on search engines.
by Judyann Sonido