Why MAG (or PAG) Works!
When the Funnel Craze Hit everyone was screaming... "SEO is DEAD!" Well the Truth is that with Google's Algorithm Changes and Facebook's Privacy Struggles SEO is ALIVE, KICKING and maybe going STRONGER then EVER! But SEO is different... There are Rules, Guidelines, Methods for doing it RIGHT and things to avoid. Especially when it comes to setting up your Google Ads Account. As Perry Marshall says... "Setup Google Ads Wrong and you get Hit with "STUPID TAX"!
We have all of that worked out for you. We set this up for ourselves after going throught the PAG Course a few times and WOW... Did it ever Work. We had NO Idea it would work so well. Plus the Great Part is that we are driving more sales to our Partner's Products and doing less Funnel Builds and Heavy Lifting Services.
Are you Ready for Real Audience Growth? Are you a Small Business owner that needs more Website Traffic? But don't know where to start? Click below to...

MAG Method is packed with Traffic Driving Tactics
Your Target Audience Focused Content Engine

Drives the Magnetic Audience Growth!
No Click Bait or Slick Marketing...
Just REAL Valuable Content that your Visitors were SEARCHING for before they found YOU!

Magnetic Content Creation...
Your NEW Audience Finds you... And they already are interested in your content and your valuable offers!

The MAG Method Road Map
The Magic that Drives MAG!
Foundational Strategy- The Strongest Point of the Method is that it is something that every online business should do.
And Really it should have been Step 1, Not a HAIL MARY!
Technical Setup - This part is always here, but this is the easy part for us as it is one of our "Wheel Houses"!
Segmented Content - Discover the hidden SEARCH Gems and "lowest hanging fruit" keywords to target for your ads & SEO. Plus your Content becomes Super Easy.
Magnetic Content Creation - Learn easier ways to create content. You'll learn how to create content if you want, or if you don't want to we can handle all of that for you.
Set Up Google Ads & The "Feeder Campaigns" - When the traffic starts the fun begins. Crafty Methods to identify targeted keywords so you are "In Front Of" the most interested prospects right when they are searching. Don't waste ad spend on your competitors target keywords. Go where nobody is fishing! It can be like "Fishing in a Barrel"
Expand Google Ads, Be Seen Everywhere - We will get you set up on the Ad Networks and you will literally follow your prospects around the web. This will get You, Your Brand and your Perfect Offers seen by your most engaged visitors. And BOOM they come back and CONVERT!
Be "UBIQUITOUS"! What? Be everywhere on Facebook : Magnify your Brands "Top of Mind" and be right in front of the PERFECT PROSPECTS at the PERFECT TIME when they are Ready to Buy! Seems like Cheating? Nope, Just Smarter Marketing! BIG Marketing for Small Business! Get Ready for Real Audience Growth. More Website Traffic, More Leads, More Sales and More Revenue! MAG ROCKS!
Optimize Your Ads, Expand Reach, Rinse & Repeat!
It is much easier to Grow and Scale when you are confident with your Traffic & Conversion Methods! No You Have One!
Search Engine Optimization: The Dead Method? Nope!
Yes... Free traffic is the holy grail to the Online Marketer! On-Page SEO Optimization is Super Easy and makes a Huge Difference once you know what people are searching for. No More Guesswork! No you can focus on NEXT LEVEL!
Next Level Strategies - Now you can see Past the Forest and the Trees. This thing called SCALING gets REAL!

Not Convinced?
Watch the Video!
More questions...
Check Out the FAQ or Schedule a Call!

Take a Quick Look at this...
Another Simple Strategy we use...
The "Give To Get" Content Campaign!
The WALLED OFF Lead Magnet Opt-Ins may be a thing of the past...
This is the Second Stage of the Magnetic Audience Growth Method
Wanna work with us? Hire us today!
Visit our Contact Page or Call Us @ 813-842-0810!
What do MAG Method clients say?
The MAG Method was exactly what we were looking for. I had almost given up running Facebook Ads for Clients.
Marcus Stratson
We got the Course and absolutely are digging it. The 1st course I have ever really followed through with and it works!
Antone Jeremy
We bought the course. Went through it and it made total sense. We decided time wise to have MMT Rock it for us! Thanks!
Iris Stanley
David and MMT have been in our Corner for awhile! We were looking for Small Business Website Traffic. Found It!
Bill Davis
We run an Outdoor Excursion Business. People are always researching our type of trips. The MAG Method was a No Brainer
C.B. Waterman
We have a Coaching Business so David was super helpful and aware of our niche. We opted for the Course! Wow! Love it!
Phil Rosenburg