Thrive Themes">

MMT Media Florida

David Jamison

Email #2 

Email #2

3 Part Cold Email Sequence:

Better Agent Marketing



The 3 Content Bucket Strategy will Help You Begin "FEEDING THE MACHINE" like a Pro!

The 3 Content Bucket

"Local Marketing Strategy"

for Realtors

Download My "E-Book" Guide For Free!

3 Bucket Content Marketing Strategy for Real Estate Agents. E-Book Download

E-Book / D.I.Y. Guide

An Easy to Follow Guide that will help you create engaging & relevant content for Buyers and Sellers.

And help you Dominate your Hyperlocal Markets!

Level: Easy to Intermediate

The 3 Content Bucket Strategy for Realtors

And the core of ALL of the guides coming in the future.

9 Simple Steps

to Dominating Local Search

for Realtors

Download My "How To Dominate Local Search" Guide For Free!

The 9 Steps to Local Search Domination for Real Estate Agents

E-Book / D.I.Y. Guide

An (Somewhat) Easy to Follow D.I.Y. Guide that will help you begin to build your Hyperlocal Online Presence

And help you Dominate your Hyperlocal Markets!

Instructions on how to setup and optimize each of the 9 Online Elements.

Some technical knowledge required.

Level: Intermediate to Advanced. Step 1 Level is Easy

9 Simple Steps to Dominate Local Search

And lastly, for those that Scrolled this far...

I want to share a Comparison for you all.

The #1 Coldwell Banker Agent in the U.S. is a gentleman named Tim Allen in California. 

 $465,000,000 in Sales in 2021

And Over 5 Billion in Total Sales...

Not Bad! Right?

I want you to take a Look and See if you Notice any similarities to what I am doing for Agents at Ellison Realty?

Click Here to View
Tim Allen Coldwell Banker Global Luxury
Click Here to View
Tim Allen Coldwell Banker Global Luxury Website v2

So I would take a close inventory of his Online Presence Elements:

You might want to go as far as checking out his GBP Posts, FB Posts, Blog Posts and More. You should notice something.

Remember: Success Leaves Clues!

And Reverse Engineering or Deconstructing a Successful Online Presence is a Piece of Cake...

if you know what you are looking at and know what to do!

Now compare with some of the Ellison Agents in the Gallery Below!
