Included in this post:
D.I.Y. Guide:
The 9 “MUST HAVE” Online Presence Elements for Real Estate Agents
* 10 is Flex-Time Support, MMT Clients. Exclude from D.I.Y.

How MMT's 10 Step Online Services Menu came to be:
(Really 9 with 1 Extra... Flex-Time Support)
Over the years I have worked with over 20 industry categories in my Digital Marketing Career.
All of them very different, but the underlying foundation is almost always the same.
Sure there are variations and subtleties to each different industry and market segment. But at the end of the day, the online marketing elements are very similar.
But the One Big difference I saw with Realtors was the shear sense of overwhelm with online marketing. And the overwhelm was not solely focused on online marketing. It was everything.
Now let me be clear on this point. It was more prominent with brand new agents. They had so many things that were new and the realization that they had to get listings, make sales and keep the ball moving or there was NO income. The J.O.B. was gone. No lifelines. That sense of "If it is to be, it is up to me" was strong with them. So trying to nail them down and get them to focus on what they needed for their online marketing efforts was... Well let's just say it was tough. And I empathized with them.
I remember when I started MMT in 200? , whenever. before 2010. But 2010 was the official start date. I get it!
So the Modular Marketing Systems I created were to create a system, a method and a pathway. So a business could take 1 step or take all 10. It seemed to really gain a tremendous amount of traction with Realtors. It was really this attraction from realtors that led me to focus my own efforts in the real estate industry. So it was the PERFECT MATCH with Realtors that the 10 Step was Born.
It made it easy for them and it made it easy for me. No more complicated proposals. Just a system of saying whether it is TODAY or over the next few months... We have got to get these Online Marketing Elements built and working for you so that you can GET FOUND in your Local Market. And not only get found, but dominate specific hyperlocal markets within their general locality.
So that is how we got here. So that should pretty clearly define the origin or the PROBLEM and the 10 Step Modular Marketing Services Menu was the SOLUTION. Boom, that is that.
The Problem:
Overwhelm with Real Estate Agents getting their entire Online Marketing up and running.
The Solution:
The MMT 10 Step Modular Marketing System for Realtors was a Match Made in Heaven and was THE SOLUTION!
The 10 Step System
A simple, modular marketing system for Real Estate Agents
Why Agents can’t ignore the NEED to have a “Search Friendly” Online Presence.
So as a Realtor, you know how competitive the market is. You know the numbers of Agents in your Local Market. It is staggering. Of course we all know that a small percentage of licensed agents are really active and in the pool of competition.
Yet the sheer numbers of agents still create a tremendous amount of confusion in Google Search.
Just do a simple search and see where you rank. Most likely, the agents and brokers at the TOP of organic search are not reading this article or guide. They have already figured out the online game and understand that building an online presence is not only important, it is an absolute necessity.
Sample Search: Real Estate Agents {Your City, Your State}
Click Here to see this sample search
I have helped Brokers and Growing Agencies run New Agent Recruiting Campaigns. So I have seen the numbers. Between “Licensed” Agents that are a Member of NAR and agents that do not hold the title of Realtor(™), the number of Agents in Florida is around 225,000. (as of writing, ref.)
How To
In the Local Marketing Crowd of Real Estate Agents
So how do you STAND OUT? How do you “Get Found”?
Even if you don’t want to “Go All In”… What are the things you must do to have a chance of competing? And before I share some pretty insightful details and easy instructions, keep in mind a Realtor’s Online Presence is NOT a “Set It and Forget It” Proposition. Once the basic Online Presence is set up, it is important to “Feed the Machine”.
My clients and my Agent Coaching clients are always asking me, “What is FEEDING the Machine”?
When I build a Real Estate Agent’s Online Presence they often ask, “So Now that my Online Presence is Live, I just sit back and the Leads Pour in?”
Ok, they don’t really ask that. But in my mind, I am often thinking that this is what they are thinking or want to ask.
Fortunately, for them, I cover off on this very early in the process. So they understand that once their Online Presence is built and launched, I have already done some pretty solid on-page SEO (search engine optimization), and I have optimized their Google Business Profile, added images (with EXIF data, more on this later) and I have basically done everything in my power to provide them with a perfect online presence foundation.
Now the FUN begins. Climbing your way up the search engine ladder.
How does this happen and how does it work?
Well, without giving away 100% of the Details
(I guess this is a D.I.Y. Guide, Right?) …
You're Right! Here are 100% of the Details! (almost)
Defining Your Sales Areas using Google "My Maps"
Bonus Learning Content:
Learn How EXIF Data and 100 Simple Photos can help you Generate 97% More Search Volume and Clicks.
Or to skip down to the
9 Elements click the Button!
What is it?
So this is a bonus content. Not a tangent. You will find out how important EXIF Data is when you dive into your Google Business Profile and begin to optimize it for hyperlocal search.
EXIF Data:
I start by continuing to optimize their Google Business Profile. That is always Ground Zero for Agents. The 1st thing I like to do is have the agents create a Sales Areas Map in Google “My Maps”.
Google “My Maps” App is different from Google Maps. You can create and save your own Custom Maps, Exchange Data with Google Earth and all kinds of cool stuff.
So what do I have them do? I have them create their Sales Areas. Farm Areas. Just delineate the Sales Geography that they plan on focusing their efforts on. And keep in mind, this data is used not only for extracting EXIF data (you can do that with a number of FREE and PAID Tools and regular Google Maps, just right click on a PIN and Copy and Paste the GPS/Lat/Long numbers).
I have them Map Out their areas (we use this information in AgentFire’s Area & Neighborhood Guides) and then grab their mobile phone, make sure “location services” is turned on and go into their existing or intended “Sales Territories” and start grabbing photos. Communities, Neighborhoods, Shopping … their own office (most often the broker’s office) and take photos for ALL of the basic photo categories in their Google Business Profile.
Exif Data Resources: (from Google Search)
How do you ADD Exif data to images for your Google Business Profile?
Here is a step-by-step guide:
Go to in any browser.
Search your business name and correct location. ...
Upload your business image that you want to appear on your profile.
Click “Write EXIF Tags” and wait for the tool to add location information.
Click “Download” to save the new image now with geotags.
Google Images SEO: Image Metadata | Documentation
How to Optimize Images for Better Google My Business (GMB …
Now that you understand the “How and Why” on EXIF Data and you know how to use Google My Maps, it is time to GRAB, Take, Snap 100 Photos in those defined areas.
Neighborhood Entry Signs, Houses that you or other agents in your company listed, Shopping Areas, popular areas that add value to potential buyers, pictures of the outside of your broker’s (or yours) office, pictures of the inside, your office, your teammates etc.
Common Questions:
Why not just use stock images and images right off of Google or your company's website?
You can add some of them. But Google (and Google Business Profiles) know the difference between those images and unique images that are not able to be analyzed by Google Vision AI.
What the Heck is Google Vision AI?
Google knows everything about all things that live on Google. So it scans images you upload and if they have been used by others, have little or no metadata or worse if they are copyrighted, those images not only do not help your online presence and GBP Relevance and Ranking, they can actually detract or hurt your reputation or ranking compared to other realtors and agents.
So it is important to do things from the start, the RIGHT WAY.
I call these tasks (along with more skilled, technical tasks) “Digital Dirty Work”.
It is all of the stuff you have to do, but might not know how to do it or simply don’t want to do it.
But here is the thing: “There are NO Shortcuts”!
There are Right Ways, Wrong Ways and then BEST Ways or “Best Practices”.
I try to specialize in BEST PRACTICES. But I also like to make things easy. Or easier.
How? By having a process, a punch list, a repeatable play, so to speak.
Do something once (the Right Way), it takes some time. Do it a second time, it should be a bit easier as you (or me) have been through the process. Repetition is the Mother of Skill they say.
But now if I have to do it a third time, well that tells me one thing. It is time to streamline, follow that well documented process or even better… It is Time to Automate!
D.I.Y. or D.F.Y.?
Is this Code? No... Do-it-Yourself or Done-For-You.
So yes, this is intended to be a D.I.Y Guide. And it is. But I am also here to tell you, it is better, easier and actually cheaper to HIRE a Professional.
If you are technically inclined, I have all the faith in the world that you can follow this guide and build an ONLINE PRESENCE almost as good as we can at MMT Media Florida.
But if you have never done it before, it will be slower. If you are unfamiliar with the steps, parts, pieces and the like, you have a much higher possibility of making a mistake and ultimately having to redo something anyway. And more importantly, you do not want to do something that looks and feels like a part of an online presence. But some details or subtleties have been omitted or overlooked. (It is beyond the scope of any Step-by-Step Guide to include absolutely everything.)
If I was working on 1 single client only, the 10 Step Program normally takes about 120 Hours to complete, start to finish. If that is accurate (based on our Project Punch List) doing a true “no details left out” D.I.Y. Guide would take 3 weeks to document, would be countless pages, screen clips, walk-through videos and more. And it would almost be too good to give away.
But I did this and YES, I am willing to GIVE IT AWAY completely FREE.
Because I am a Nice Guy! Well, yes that too… But because I know that 95% of the time, DIY inclined people will download the guide, look at it, and then do one of 3 things.
- They will begin forging through the process, step-by-step and make real progress. Until they hit an obstacle or something that just is a bit beyond their skill level. And there it sits. Maybe they love it and get back after it and complete it and self-launch their Real Estate Agent’s Online Presence. Congratulations. That is a big undertaking and their effort should be commended. But now they have to “FEED the MACHINE” What? What is that? (another Guide)
- Look at it and REALIZE that they have NO Interest, NO Skills needed and further realize that they have SO MANY other things to do as a REALTOR to get their Sales Growing, that trying to D.I.Y. is not a Good Option for them.
- The 3rd thing someone might do is this: They look through it. Know they need to do it. Stop reading and move on and do something that they want to do versus something they don’t. Or maybe, they will think that they can go out and do it the OLD Way. The Hard Work Way. “My Aunty Judy was a Realtor and she did not have any of this High Tech Stuff available and she was very successful as a Realtor.” A few things on that point. (#3). “The way we used to do it” or “That’s Not How We Do It Here” are classic “Fear of Change” comments. And they are also tied to some of the most spectacular business failures in history.
So let’s move on. I think you get the point. I am NOT trying to pitch you on choosing me or my methods or my services. I have simply trying to point out the Pros and Cons of D.I.Y. Digital Marketing when you are a Realtor, Local Business Owner, Coach, Consultant, Agency, Fitness Trainer… Whatever.
If you are NOT a Skilled Technical Digital Marketer with a hyperfocus on Sales Processes and specifically an industry like Real Estate Sales that is NOW driven by the Web… You are setting yourself up for failure on so many levels by going down the Do-It-Yourself Path.
And the Bigger thing with what I am trying to convey. There are virtually ZERO other companies that do ALL of the parts that are required to be successful as a Hyperlocal Focused Real Estate Agent.
One company does Google Business Profiles, one does SEO (maybe only on-page, maybe off-page), another company handles building Landing Pages, maybe another does Landing Pages and Websites. Then you realize, OK what about my CRM. (You have to have a CRM in Real Estate). Not a napkin, a notepad, even a spreadsheet. Come on. Do you LOVE torturing yourself that much!
It doesn't stop at the CRM, you need Email Marketing & what about those slick TEXT Tools? (SMS)
Social Media Marketing too. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Linkedin and now there is TikTok. What the? Where does it end? It doesn't. Because we have Content Marketing and Engagement Strategies to help attract, nurture and convert leads into clients. Buyers and Sellers. Real Estate is not a Fast Cycle Sale. The normal sales cycle is about 6 months.
And what about Paid Ads on Facebook, Google and YouTube?
Regular PPC (Pay-Per-Click Real Estate Lead Campaigns) and then those Pesky Retargeting Ads.
You know the ones that once you go to a website, you leave because you did not find what you thought you were looking for and the next thing you know… Boom An Ad Pops up from the Website you just left minutes ago, or maybe yesterday (timing is everything 🙂 ).
How do you do those? And more importantly, how do you do those ads (both regular and retargeting) and target the perfect audience and NOT waste money you don’t have… or at least don’t want to throw away?
I know, I am super sensitive to ad spend. And I want to make sure that my ROI is solid. And that my ROAS is better than the industry average. What is ROAS you ask? Ok, are you starting to get my point here? By the way, ROAS is Return on Ad Spend. And in the Real Estate Leads market, Agents that advertise effectively have an average of an 8X on Ad Spend (Every $1 that is invested $8 comes back in the form of commissions) and Retargeting Dollars can return 32X. Or 4 times more than regular first run cold ads.
And then to go one step beyond all of the above. What if you need support, or help of some type, something breaks or is not working right. What do you do then? Who do you call?
So if you stayed with me through all of that tirade… I now want to tell you this:
I do ALL of the above steps. ALL OF THEM. Even the PPC.
(I specialize in retargeting Video Facebook Ads and YouTube Trueview Ads).
Doing ALL of the 10 Steps is a TON of Work. But I can do it with my eyes closed. Not actually, but you get it.
Some of the steps. Like Step 9. Or Pay-Per-Click Advertising. I do work with other companies that can handle the advertising on your behalf. But I normally do a hand-off as a service. So that you do not have to try to explain to them what you need and don’t really know how to even start the conversation with them. *** And a word of warning here *** Many PPC Agencies that deal with Realtors are white label resellers anyway and don’t do any of the ads themselves.
They just take a Healthy Chunk of your hard earned money, put it in their pocket and blindly pass you off to someone that doesn’t really care about your results.
Depending on my client load, if I do a pass-off (and I have REALLY Good Companies I work with and I don’t pretend I am the one doing the Ads, it is a TRUE Pass-Off). I call my Marketing Partners on your behalf, explaining all of your online assets. I then send them an Online Presence Map, explaining the desired results and outcomes you would like. Create a picture of your desired prospect, based on geography, demographics, psychographics and the like. Coordinate an Introduction call. Provide you with a complete explainer of what is going to come next and then pass you to my partners. And I am always monitoring the progress, even though I have no financially vested interest. My interest is that my clients are successful. From Start to Finish.
So now, Let’s Get Back into that Do-It-Yourself Guide.
I do this First Before Every Client Build:
I Create an "ATG" Account
And here is the Standard Response from Clients, Cohorts and the like...
"WTF is an ATG?"
So before I start any Project for a Client, I create what I call an “All Things Google” Gmail.
What do I do with that? It is an Email I use to setup virtually everything. It eliminates the need for me to have to Email or Text you for Codes etc.
I suggest for the sake of consistency and OLP Management, you do the same thing.
fyi: OLP is short for "Online Presence"
I go to Gmail and I create a NEW Account. I start it with the intent of “Starting my Business”. (Yours)
I then choose a name. I try to stay consistent and I choose the name:
Keep in mind, this is purely optional. Since the bulk of readers going through this are D.I.Y. types, it is not near as important. I do it to avoid calling, texting to get Authorization CODES. (Those pesky 2FA Text Codes or on Google Authenticator) In all seriousness, those 2 Step Authorizations are critical for security.
I use the "ATG" Gmail as if I were building the Online Presence for myself. Once all is done, I do a FULL Pass Off and Forward that email to their primary email. Like I was never there.
I think it is a Good Practice whether DIY or DFY. Just my 2 cents.
But what do I use the "ATG" Gmail Account for?
This is where the "Good Practice" comes in
I use it to create the following:
Pretty Much anything I create for my client, I use this ATG Email.
So why should you use it?
It is just my process. I think it is a "Best Practice" and if you get started with your D.I.Y. Build and Hit a Glitch or Roadblock, Guess what? We are already on the same page. So it would make the transition almost seamless.
I Call It J.I.C. Insurance!
What the heck is J.I.C. Insurance? "Just in Case"!
By now you are beginning I like acronyms. Yep!
Let's Dive into the 9 Steps or 9 "Must Have" Online Elements...
Feeling like the D.I.Y. Path might not be Right for You?
So from this point forth in the article / guide, I will do a semi Deep-Dive on each of the 10 Online Presence Elements in our Service Offering. It will be more than enough to get you started and it will allow you to build a respectable online presence that will get you off the bench and into the game.
Keep in mind that once the Online Presence is built. You will spend time optimizing it.
I suggest that you pick 2 or 3 Realtors Locally that you would like to emulate or think that they are worthy of some solid copy-cat / swipe-file / reverse engineering efforts.
You may never exceed them in Search, but being #2 or #3 is a worthy accomplishment and should allow you to compete and make a very good living. And most importantly, get off of the Hamster Wheel and get into the Modern Day Online Marketing realm as a Realtor. So Enjoy!
If you ever have questions, Feel Free to email me @
Or for quicker responses: Use Facebook Messenger @

You are Entering the D.I.Y. Zone!
The 10 Steps Do-It-Yourself Guide
for Getting Online as a Real Estate Agent
Number 10 is Support.
As a I leave that one out for you.
The 9 Online Elements that every Real Estate Agent Must Have?
[ anchor 9OLP-1 ]
Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile Setup & Optimization
Google My Business is a free local search tool that google provides to every business that chooses to use it.
It delivers a very high ROI, costs $0, takes less than an hour to set up, and can get you on the "Google" Map. Literally.
Maybe even the very top of Local Google search. It is a MUST HAVE!
Your Google Business Profile is going to be the Foundation (or Hub) of all of your Local Search Efforts. I connect it to Google Ads immediately, as Local Services Ads are great for Realtors.
So instead of me beating the GBP Drum... Here are some Great Resources for you to Educate Yourself and Get in the Game Locally.
About the Google Business Profile:
Looking for more information on Google Business Profiles?
Visit my Google Business Profiles Page (Link Below)
Did you Get Here from the Google Business Profile Link or Facebook Post?
If YES, Click the Link Below to go to the FREE E-Book & FREE Training Page
[ anchor 9OLP-2 ]

So Step 2 is Local Search. Of course there is more to just slapping up a website. There is NO "Build It and they Will Come" when it comes to Online Marketing. I wish it was that easy.
So there are a number of factors involved in local search. I am going to provide you with a host of resources.
And YES, many of them will drive you off of this page. Maybe a marketing NO-NO... But I am genuinely trying to be helpful and provide you with every resource that I have found useful for me over the years.
(The D.I.Y. Phd in Online Marketing)
9 Local SEO Ranking Factors You Must Know to Succeed
I love this the title of the article above and it has a ton of great information in it. Enjoy and create a Swipe File!
What is a Swipe File?
Bonus Content: You have to Checkout and their Swipe Worthy Content. A Must Have for Marketers.
I use Bublup for my Swipe File app. You can use it on Desktop or Mobile. (There Mobile App is Awesome)
Check it out!
Use it to SAVE all of these LINKS I am providing!
On-page SEO and off-page SEO are both important for local search engine optimization (SEO).
On-page SEO includes optimizing your website and content for local keywords and search terms. Off-page SEO includes claiming and optimizing your Google My Business listing, as well as building citations and links from other websites.
Both on-page and off-page SEO are important for ranking well in local search results. However, off-page SEO is often more important for small businesses that don't have a lot of content on their website.
If you're just starting out with local SEO, claiming and optimizing your Google My Business listing should be your top priority. After that, start working on building citations from other websites.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the practice of improving the ranking of a website on search engines. There are two types of SEO: on-page and off-page. On-page SEO focuses on improving the content and structure of a website to make it more visible to search engines. Off-page SEO focuses on building links to a website from other websites.
In order to improve your website ranking in local search results, it is important to focus on both on-page and off-page SEO. On-page SEO refers to the optimization of your website’s content and design, while off-page SEO focuses on building links and improving your website’s authority. Both are important for boosting your website’s ranking in local search results.
Looking for more information on Local Search, On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO?
Click Link Below
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[ anchor 9OLP-3 ]
Hyperlocal Landing Pages

Most businesses are aware of the importance of on-page and off-page SEO when it comes to ranking in local search results. However, one often overlooked element is the hyperlocal landing page. By optimizing your website for a specific city or region, you can make it even easier for customers in that area to find you. In this article, we'll take a look at what hyperlocal landing pages are and how they can benefit your business.
As a small business, you know the importance of ranking high in local search results. After all, most customers are looking for businesses close to them. That’s why you need to create hyperlocal landing pages.
Hyperlocal landing pages are pages on your website that are optimized for a specific city or region. They help you rank higher in local search results and attract more local customers.
Creating hyperlocal landing pages is easy. Just include your city or region in your page title and meta description. You can also include relevant keywords like “local businesses” or “near me”.
If you want to attract even more local customers, consider creating a separate website for each city or region you serve. This way, you can optimize each site for the specific search terms people are using in that area.
For Real Estate Agents to rank well in their local geography, I would look no further than AgentFire.
AgentFire has Area Guides, Neighborhood Guides all that make easy work of ranking exceptionally well in very tight geographies. Own Your Backyard with AgentFire!
Looking for more information on Hyperlocal Landing Pages?
Click Link Below
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If YES, Click the Link Below to go to the FREE E-Book & FREE Training Page
[ anchor 9OLP-4 ]
Websites for Realtors

As a real estate agent, having a website is key to success. There are many website platforms out there that cater to real estate agents, but one of the best is Agentfire. Agentfire offers many features that are beneficial to agents, such as IDX integration, lead capture forms, and SEO tools. Having a website with these features can help you get more leads and close more deals. If you're looking for a website platform that will help you succeed as a real estate agent, be sure to check out Agentfire.
There are many different types of websites for Realtors. Some are simple and just provide basic information, while others are more complex and provide a variety of features. The most important thing to consider when choosing a website for your business is what you hope to achieve with it. Are you looking to simply provide information, or do you want to generate leads? There are many factors to consider when deciding on the right website for your business.
As a Real Estate Agent, it is ALL about getting found and getting leads! And if you want to win locally...
For Real Estate Agents to rank well in their local geography, I would look no further than AgentFire.
AgentFire has Area Guides, Neighborhood Guides all that make easy work of ranking exceptionally well in very tight geographies. Own Your Backyard with AgentFire!
I am going to go short on resources here. Why? There is SO Much deceptive, confusing information on the web about real estate agent websites, I do not want to lead you down a worm hole of confusion.
Whether you choose MMT or not is completely beside the point here. The point is this: If I am providing any value to web search and site visitors, sending them on the journey outside my site is like (just fill in the blank here with BAD)
Looking for more information on Real Estate Agent Websites?
Click Link Below
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[ anchor 9OLP-5 ]
CRM for Real Estate Agents

I am going to keep this one super short.
I am going to give you a Outline List of what I would search for if I were new to this space.
- why CRMs are important for real estate agents
- The different types of CRMs available
- How to pick the right CRM for your business
- Setting up your CRM
- Adding contacts and properties
- Managing your leads
Reporting and analysis features
Because I have already done the Trial and Error in this space... I will list 3 or 4 of the ONLY Options imho.
Before I send you searching... I am NOT an Affiliate Partner or Referring Agent for a true CRM only platform for realtors. The ones that I believe are the VERY BEST, are (email and ask for a FREE 30 Day Trial, versus the 14 day standard, tell him David sent you). Then there is (email me and I will get you in touch with my contact there for some extra love - Subject: And lastly, you might consider And then Real Geeks has a Great CRM that comes with their Websites.
I am a Partner for Real Geeks: Learn about them and their CRM here.
Looking for more information on Real Estate Agent CRMs?
Click Link Below
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If YES, Click the Link Below to go to the FREE E-Book & FREE Training Page
[ anchor 9OLP-6 ]
Social Media Marketing

If you're a real estate agent, then you know how important it is to have a strong online presence. And one of the best ways to do that is through social media marketing. There are tons of different social media platforms out there, and it can be tough to keep up with all of them. But if you use them correctly, they can be a great way to connect with potential clients and grow your business.
I use ContentStudio for my own Social Media Marketing and I also use it with my Real Estate Clients.
Check it out here:
Social media marketing is one of the most efficient and effective ways for real estate agents to connect with potential clients. In order to be successful, agents need to have an active presence on websites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Additionally, they should consider creating a blog or vlog to showcase their listings and expertise.
Agentfire is a great resource for agents who want to learn more about social media marketing and how to use it to their advantage.
Looking for more information on Real Estate Agent CRMs?
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If YES, Click the Link Below to go to the FREE E-Book & FREE Training Page
[ anchor 9OLP-7 ]
Email & SMS Marketing

Email marketing can be a powerful tool for real estate agents. By building a list of contacts and staying in touch with them regularly, agents can stay top-of-mind when their services are needed. Additionally, email marketing can be used to cultivate relationships and build trust with potential clients. In order to be successful, email marketing campaigns must be well-planned and targeted. This article will provide tips and best practices for real estate agents who want to use email marketing to grow their business.
In order to be a successful real estate agent, it is important to have a good email marketing strategy.
Email marketing can help you stay in touch with your clients, build relationships, and generate leads. When done correctly, email marketing can be a powerful tool for real estate agents. Here are some tips for email marketing success:
~ Keep your emails short and to the point. (this one is tough for me 🙂 )
~ Include a call to action.
~ Provide REAL Value
I like to use the 5P Strategy with my Email Sequences. (Plus I have Shareable Templates for you)
Visit the Email Marketing Page for more information there.
My favorite Email Marketing (and Automation) Platform is ActiveCampaign. And it has plans that start as low as $15 for up to 500 Contacts. There is also Mailchimp and Constant Contact. I suggest going with low cost options to start as your CRM will handle much of the basic autoresponder type emails and sms (text) messages.
I like ActiveCampaign for my 5 to 10 email nurturing sequences and I can segment based on Buyers, Sellers, Investors and more. Plus I can easily automate moving them from one sequence to another based on engagement, picks, clicks, downloads and the like.
Check Out ActiveCampaign here:
Looking for more information on Email Marketing & SMS Marketing for Realtors?
Click Link Below
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If YES, Click the Link Below to go to the FREE E-Book & FREE Training Page
[ anchor 9OLP-8 ]
Content Marketing

This is the Step that is beyond the D.I.Y. Scope. But I will give you a handful of awesome resources to do more digging.
This is the "FEEDING THE MACHINE" element that I am constantly talking with my clients about.
It is most definitely my favorite aspect of online marketing. However, it is not for the "Set it and Forget it" Minded.
It is a NEVER ENDING Cycle of Content Creation that helps you move up the SEARCH LADDER and it is also part of the Engagement Cycle with leads.
Keep in mind, that once you get a good stable full of content, the creation cycle can slow down significantly. And then you are only replacing the stale, low engagement content.
But in the beginning, be prepared for the immersion mode for the first 6 to 9 months minimum.
So what are my favorite content types? Well for Realtors, it is Listings (#1), Video Listings (#2), Buyers Guides, Sellers Guides, Area Guides, Lead Magnets educating prospects about specific areas. (Great Stuff for your Hyperlocal Landing Pages) and more. And of course there are ARTICLES like this one.
This particular blog post is what is called a "Pillar Post"
Looking for more information on Content Marketing for Realtors?
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Lead Generation: PPC
Awareness Ads, Retargeting ads, Remarketing ads, youtube truview, more

In order to be successful in real estate, it is important to have a strong online presence. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) marketing is a great way for real estate agents to increase their website traffic and generate leads. PPC is an advertising model where businesses can pay to have their ads displayed on search engine results pages. When done correctly, PPC can be a very effective way to market your business and attract new clients.
Facebook retargeting ads are a powerful lead generation tool for real estate agents. By targeting people who have already visited your website or engaged with your brand on Facebook, you can stay top of mind and increase the chances that they’ll reach out to you when they’re ready to buy or sell a home.
Here’s how to set up Facebook retargeting ads for your real estate business:
1. Create a custom audience.
2. Choose your ad objectives.
3. Set up your ad budget and schedule.
4. Design your ad creative.
5. Test, measure, and optimize your ads.
There are a wide array of tools to use for running Pay-Per-Click or Digital Ads.
The Challenge is that for most agents, it is complicated, expensive and in my opinion, once you graduate to Paid Ads, it is best left to the professionals.
I have ran PPC Campaigns for dozens and dozens of clients with great success.
But to this very day... I still have my go to partners that I use in the PPC space.
There are now easier ways to get exposure with Digital Ads than ever before.
There are self-serve tools that allow you to have complete Agent Awareness Campaigns monthly, for as low as $99 per month. That can be a great way to kickstart your market awareness for new agents.
Listing Packages for as low as $59 per ad. Crazy. The landscape has changed. Any and everyone can compete if you know the what, where and how when it comes to Digital Ad Platforms for Real Estate Agents.
And then you have TV!
TV seems like it is only for the Big Boys and Girls... But now, with the explosion of Streaming Platforms advertising on TV is not outside of the realm of possible even for newer agents.
Platforms like Hulu are easy, self-serve and affordable. Then for Real Estate Specific TV Ads... even down to the Zip Code you have platforms like Adwerx.
So Many Options...
But back to Good Ole PPC for just a moment!
Types of Digital Ads that can generate great results:
- Facebook Ads
- Facebook Retargeting Ads
- Google Local Service Ads
- Google Ads
- Google Remarketing Ads
- Google Display Network
- YouTube Ads
- YouTube Truview Ads for Real Estate Agents
- Retargeting Platforms
(Partners & Pros)
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And NO Online Marketing Presence would be Complete without:
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I also offer Support and Service for
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So that is the 10 Steps! I hope you found this valuable.
Is there more than this?
Of course. Then comes the "FEEDING the MACHINE" and Host of other Services I provide to keep your Online Presence moving in the Right Direction.
Your Evergreen Lead Machine for Real Estate Agent Leads Never Sleeps, it get’s very hungry for content and it can even misbehave from time to time.
Competitor Pressure, Market Changes, dreaded Google Algorithm Changes and a host of other technical unexpected hiccups.
Remember, I fix those things too! They fall into the “Digital Dirty Work” Category. Remember? Yes? Your Catching On!
The Best of Luck to You… And if you Get Stuck, Feel FREE to Reach Out to Me!
David Jamison
Owner MMT Media Florida
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